Minepit REBORN
Well it’s been on the cards for a long time, drained, limed, snags removed and just hand picked carp stocked back in. It was great to see the lake bare and with feeding spots shown, but it also highlighted a few issues with some snags and silt. We saved 100s of Swan mussels which had really taken to the lake and over the course of the next few months I will be introducing snails by the bucket load from the other lakes. Exciting times ahead for this lake, The carp now in Minepit have a huge amount of room to grow on and it should make for some amazing fishing for our members. All the fish bar one is double figures upto currently high 20s. The smallest fish was a present from Simon Scott and we hope it will grow to be the lake record in a few years time. But I feel that it will be the commons that this lake will be known for, Stocked with some incredible specimens including a fish that if all being well, I think will be one of the best in the country, ! A Dark Orange wood carving uncaught for years if at all ! an amazing creature and I hope will now grow into something very special indeed. But I will keep that picture hidden for a while :) Along with most of the stock just to keep that air of mystery about it. But here’s a few to wet the appetite.